Young Adults
TL;DR: West Side Young Adults began in 2021 to meet a real need for community and discipleship. Over the past four years, God has used this ministry in incredible ways, but with changes in our church and the growth of young adult groups in the area, that need has shifted. After this week, we will no longer meet regularly on Friday nights. Instead, we encourage you to stay connected by joining a small group and finding a mentor. This isn’t the end—just a new chapter. God is still at work, and we are here for you.
A Letter to Young Adults
West Side Young Adults officially met for the first time on September 15, 2021. The reason we began meeting is because Jane and I (AJ) saw a group of young men and women who love God and wanted to know Him more. A group of young adults who craved a real community. They longed for a place to be known and loved; a place to serve and spend time with people; a place to belong. We wanted to be a people who actually lived life with other Christians on fire for God.
Since then, we’ve met nearly every Friday. We’ve studied through Philippians, Song of Solomon, Systematic Theology, several dating series, Christ and Culture, and so far, half of Romans. We’ve played hours of Body Body, silent disco, Friendsgiving, and more. We hosted a worship night in downtown Traverse City and gone on several retreats together. God has used this ministry in so many incredible ways. I’ve been deeply blessed by each of you and I pray the feeling is mutual.
As most of you know, our church has been going through another difficult season for the last few months since our lead pastor resigned in November. As many of you know part of my testimony, I am no stranger to pastoral transitions. Moments like these reminds me of what the Preacher says in Ecclesiastes 3: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”
I believe over the last 4 years, God used this ministry to reach a specific and real need in our community. Young Adult groups were few and far between and now you can’t throw a rock without hitting one. Several of those groups have been started by people who attended here and went back to their local churches to reach the community there. Praise God. As we sit here today, the need that was once so explicit is now filled and multiplied. Which is a massive answer to prayer.
Well, with all of the transition happening at West Side, Jane and I feel (and the elders agree) that as fruitful as this ministry has been, the needs of this community have matured. The needs we had four years ago are no longer the same, because the group has matured. So, to put it plainly: The way we care for the young adults at West Side will look differently after this week.
We are no longer meeting on Friday nights like we have been over the last four years. Which will leave a vacancy in your community and discipleship. To fill these real needs, because you should still be in community and being discipled, is by (1) joining a group and (2) finding a mentor.
How to do that? Well, our church has several groups that meet throughout the week all over the community. These are multi-generational and would be a great way to live life with others. The purpose of our groups are to be known, cared for, and growing. Fair warning: we are in desperate need of group leaders, so if you feel a tug to potentially start a group, please let me know. Our church also offers mentorship (or discipleship). Anita VanDerziel and Scott Brown are the two who oversee the women's and men’s mentorship. They will meet with you and get to know you, then will pair you with an older man or woman who would walk alongside you as you grow in your faith.
If you do not attend West Side, I strongly encourage you to find a group or mentor in your church.
Friends, this is a new chapter, not the end of your journey. I know there will be all kinds of responses tonight. Some of you have just started coming, some were here at the beginning. No matter what, God cares deeply about you and desires for you to not step back, but lean in. The Apostle Paul reminds us, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
As the years go on and as the seasons change, let’s commit to growing into Christlikeness.
Lean into the Lord and keep your eyes on Jesus, friends. I love you and am proud of you.
Grace and peace,
AJ Garcia