“The basis upon which Christians can speak to one another is that each knows the other as a sinner, who, with all his human dignity, is lonely and lost if he is not given help. This recognition gives to our brotherly speech the freedom and candor that it needs. We speak to one another on the basis of the help we both need. We admonish one another to go the way that Christ bids us to go. We warn one another against the disobedience that is our common destruction. We are gentle and we are severe with one another, for we know both God’s kindness and God’s severity.”
Mentoring is another word for encouraging, helping someone discover values and virtues, and providing counsel for life’s challenges.
While mentoring happens informally in dozens of ways in a community or church, it’s also helpful to have a structure in place. This is especially true of those who are exploring who Jesus is, struggling with circumstances or emotions, or need support
for difficult relationships in their lives.
West Side is committed to serving the community around us with safe, caring, attentive mentoring. We see you, and want to help you grow!